Our Rooms/我們的房間

Chalet Neverland
Starting at 100000JPY Per Night/八人包棟每晚10萬日幣

The maximum capacity is to host 10 guests, recommended to 8 guests.

Apricot Pension
Starting at 20000JPY Per Night/雙人房每晚2萬日幣

There are several room types for couples and families. The minimum room is for two guests.

Seventh Heaven
Starting at 20000JPY Per Night/雙人房每晚2萬日幣

There are several room types for couples and families. The minimum room is for two guests.

Pilot Lodge
Starting at 18000JPY Per Night/雙人房每晚1萬8日幣

Rent the whole house up to 20 guests 180,000 JPY per night/包棟出租每晚18萬日幣

There are several room types for couples and families. The minimum room is for two guests.

Please contact us through email or line@ to get the detail price information


We look forward to your stay.